Happy Monday to the Tired!

Happy Monday!

DCE4CFDB-2E0F-4A4F-A881-605DD7B56AC9– A big shout out to the terrific, but tired…the wonderful, but weary!
My Monday Moods Post is a tribute to YOU!

This post’s for YOU if you’ve…

___tackled so many projects over the weekend, you’re tired today

___stayed up all night with a cranky baby, only to be greeted at dawn by a                  dancing 3 year old.

___worried your weekend away waiting up for a teen

___argued with an obstinate 10 year-old

___had to drag yourself back to work today…or never really left

E80FAC10-4DA1-42B6-9906-AE154AFC7007Here’s a Word to encourage, energize and refresh:

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”— Matthew 11: 28

Savor the love of your Savior today and I’ll see you tomorrow when I talk about my tuckered-out tendencies!


6 thoughts on “Happy Monday to the Tired!

  1. I’m so happy to have more Laurie in days. I’ve always loved your outlook and have admired that God always gets the glory. Thanks for sharing with us! Love ya.


  2. “had to drag yourself back to work today…or never really left“

    I feel like that’s me these days!😊

    Hello busy season!

    Your blog has been refreshing ❤️


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