Happy Grateful New Year!

Welcome to 2021! 

How can we prepare to tackle this year’s challenges ? 

Give thanks!

According to an article in positivepsychology.com, when we express gratitude, our brain releases dopamine and serotonin, the two crucial neurotransmitters responsible for our emotions. These neurotransmitters make us feel good and enhance our mood immediately. 

In other words, when we practice gratitude, we’ll feel the joy God’s placed within our reach. This helps us tackle challenges. 

By consciously practicing gratitude every day, we can help neural pathways strengthen themselves. Ultimately, we can create a permanent grateful and positive nature within ourselves. 

In other words, if we can’t avoid the rough stuff in life, we CAN find joy by being grateful.    

So…I’m going to start practicing.    

Wanna join me? Let’s try listing at least three things for which we are grateful each day.  This will rewire our brains for a blessed NEW YEAR!

Laurie’s Grateful List: 

1.  The feeling of warm clothes when you pull them out of the dryer.2.Cozy blankets at night.

3.  Waking up each day…Hey…there are NO guarantees!   

I’m gonna keep this up, folks.  

I hope to rewire my brain with gratitude  for 2021.  

Happy and Blessed New Year.

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