Fun Friday: My life as a nun

5BF947F2-6534-4C1C-AFA5-D3B6E48DC705How in the world did I become a NUN?

It’s been ten years. I haven’t danced a dance, tapped a toe, or sung a show tune for quite some time. (Unless you count those times in the basement when my kids weren’t looking.) I decided to audition for Sister Act.

72D31D1D-8E4B-4623-A7C2-82250D01DD1BMy heart racing, I belted my song…and made the show. I silently prayed for two things: 1. I would not have a heart attack during choreography. 2. This show would be a God-given mission.

There’s nothing like the sparkle and challenge of performing onstage. I love musical theater.

More than the performance, however, I love the relationships. Working with a cast and crew is a wonderful experience. When you spend months sweating together, you bond.

E0A03337-A56E-437C-82A0-5DBCD628E091Our cast and crew came from all walks of life. I was one of the older ones. (OK, well, maybe…the oldest!) I loved the talented men and women who worked on and off stage.

Yes, I am the short one.

51427B0B-86F1-42B6-88EC-E185157BD851Life is about relationships, after all. God’s work is about loving others. This God stuff works well in theatre. I listened to woes, prayed for ailing mommas, picked up lost costumes and talked to anxious performers. I observed joyful interactions and silently prayed for those in crisis around me.

D7D8DA98-9FE2-443D-ADCC-4649338C9401Yep, I hoofed it, but there was more.

The play “Sister Act” was about redemption, reconciliation and….God’s love. That’s what life is all about.

…And that’s why I became a nun. I’m thanking God for the experience.


8 thoughts on “Fun Friday: My life as a nun

  1. I remember how supportive you (and everyone in the cast) were when I was doubting my ability to remember the Brad-ography… thank you for your prayers and your friendship Laurie. Your article and photos brought back fond memories… sending love to you. 💕


  2. You looked fantastic as a nun… the wisest one there! I’m sure the audience loved it just as much as you did playing the part.


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